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Showing posts from May, 2021

Episode 65: Up In My Mentions

Another huge episode this week here at IWP. We talk about all the top stories from this week including news from Japan, mass releases from NXT and the fallout from Impact Wrestling's Under Siege special last Saturday night. We are two weeks away from Double or Nothing which will be AEW's first event with a capacity crowd which means the storylines on Dynamite are starting to ramp up. This meant a segment heavy episode this week, but that didn't stop the talent from putting on some great matches. Christian Cage takes on Matt Sydal. Hikaru Shida faced Rebel(not Reba). NWA Women's Champion Serena Deeb returns to AEW to defend against red hot Red Velvet, as well as, the AEW Tag Team Titles are on the line. Young Bucks take on hot new tag team the Varsity Blondes. We cover it all here on IWP. Thanks for listening. Enjoy the show!

Episode 64: SCU Later

Last week we talked about Blood & Guts being the #1 show on cable in the United States last Wednesday. This week, we learn that Blood & Guts also set records up here in Canada on TSN. We also take a peak at the rumor mill as Andrande, Zelina Vega and Daniel Bryan are in the news. We look forward to tonight's Impact PPV Under Siege. A huge 6-way #1 Contenders match for Kenny Omega's Impact World Championship. Dynamite returns with a "Normal" card and absolutely blows Blood & Guts outta the water. 3 Championship matches. The Forbidden Door is opened further with Nagata wrestling on TNT for the first time in over 20 years. SCU puts their future on the line for a chance at the Tag Team Titles and Miro attempts to fulfill his destiny to become a champion. It is a huge show this week, I hope you enjoy!!! Peace out!!!

Episode 63: Blood & Guts

  Hey guys, great episode on tap this week. We check in quickly with Impact Wrestling as Kenny Omega was on the show and helped Doc Gallows get the win over Impact Tag Champion Juice Robinson. We then turn to Dynamite and the Blood & Guts special. We had some great matches in the first hour as Kenny Omega & Nakazawa take on Moxley and Kingston. Cody takes on QT Marshal and Dr. Britt Baker is also in action. Blood & Guts, 2 Rings, 1 Cage, Surrender or Submit. We talk about all the blood, all the spots and especially the moment after the match. You won't want to miss our take on the Jericho cage spot. Enjoy the show, we will see you next week!!

Episode 62: Kenny Four Belts

  It was the history making main event Sunday night as AEW Champion took on Impact Unified Champion Rich Swann. We also take a look at the rest of Rebellion as it was actually a really good show. Also in a Scoop of Vanilla a top WWE Superstar reveals he watches AEW. On AEW Wednesday Night Dynamite, aside from an odd format, we got to enjoy 5 really entertaining matches which is what pro wrestling is all about. Enjoy the show everyone!

Episode 61: Emo Paint Face Daddy

Hey guys, Great show on tap this week. It is coming a day late. I had a busy week with school and we couldn't get together to record until Saturday night. None the less, we got 'er done and it was a banger. This week we take a look forward to tonight's Rebellion PPV from Impact Wrestling. It is a history making main event as it is title vs title, AEW vs Impact, Kenny Omega vs Rich Swann. We give our predictions as there are some interesting places they can take this historic match. It is an Impact show but we have an AEW official. We also take a look back at Wednesday Night Dynamite as we had one of the most match heavy Dynamite's ever. Two championships on the line. The return of Trent? as well as Team Taz in action in two matches involving Ricky Starks and Powerhouse Hobbs. It was a great show I hope you enjoy! Peace!!